Following is an email string between in my sister Jenni and me. Her comments and insights are so precious to me, and too good to keep to myself.
Hi Leilani,
I heard this story on NPR this morning as part of their
very cool story corp project. It just made me weep in the car. It is
a mother talking about the day her young son was killed. I thought her
comment on her heart being amputated was well put.
Perhaps listen to it and then watch a really funny episode of The Office.
On Jun 8, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Leilani Schweitzer wrote:
Thank you for sending this. It hadn't occurred to me before to think about the things Gabriel would have said to us if he would have lived to talk. Strange how I missed something so obvious.XO, L.
I like to think that he would say things like:
"I didn't want to but Sophia made me do it."
"I look just like my favorite auntie Jenni."
"Vote for Obama."
"I love you."
When asked "What is the square root of 52?" He would reply in a cool, non-nerdy way "7.21110255".
"MOMMM!!! Sophia stole my collection of bananaslugs!"
Posted by: Wolf | June 18, 2008 at 06:59 AM